B r o w n i e P l i a n t S i x - 1 6 |
Brownie Pliant Six-16
This model has a fixed-focus lens in a single speed shutter, though there are four apertures, numbered 1-4, available on a rotating disc. According to a contemporary Kodak publication, these equate to f/11-f/32. Manufactured in Rochester NY, this camera would seem to have been solely for export. A variation of this model exists with a "Kodak Anastigmat Rapide" lens in an AGC shutter. I suspect this version was finally assembled in Europe.name | : Brownie Pliant Six-16 | produced around | : 1934 | shutter | : No.1 Kodal | film type | : 616 | picture size | : 6.5 x 11 cm | categories | : 616, folding |