Kodak Retinette (022 variant)
Appearing initially to be a Type 022 with a Type 030 front plate assembly, (or is it a Type 030 with a Type 022 top-plate?), the one clue that may give an indication of this camera's true identity lies in the serial number, 95xxxx, which is high for an 022, but close to another "normal" 022 I have seen. David L. Jentz of the "Historical Society for Retina Cameras" has confirmed that this transitional model would appear to have been manufactured for the UK market around February 1958. All examples he is aware of have, like this camera, a distance scale in feet. The design changes do seem to mirror the changeover between the Retina Ib and the Retina IB, where early IB's retained the smaller viewfinder of the Ib, which occured at about the same time as the Retinette 022/030 model change.name | : Kodak Retinette (022 variant) | produced from | : 1958 | lens | : 45mm f/3.5 Reomar | shutter | : Compur-Rapid | film type | : 135 | picture size | : 24 x 36 mm | quantity made | : 6,500+ | categories | : 35 mm, retinette |