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K o d a k   I n s t a m a t i c   2 5
Kodak Instamatic 25

Shorter but slightly taller than most other 126 Instamatics, this camera seems to have been designed by a different team to all the others in the range. Sunny/cloudy exposure settings and a "hot-shoe" for the Instamatic Flasholder complete the specification of this little camera. The one pictured above is actually a "camara", having been produced in Spain, though they were produced in the UK as well, both with all-black writing and with a separate Kodak logo, as seen below. I have also seen reference to this model having been produced in the Argentine, Brazil and Australia, indeed about 10 variations have been noted. A premium version was available as the Instamatic 26.

Instamatic 25 Variations

  1. Kodak in red on separate inset silver plate, top left - 25 in red on lens plate top centre - "wind to stop" on film window on back - two silver circles around lens - continuous fine ribbing on base (see 8) - made in England.
  2. Kodak in red on lens plate lower left - 25 in red on lens plate top centre - film window blank - no silver circles around lens - made in England.
  3. Kodak in black on lens plate lower left - 25 in black on lens plate top centre - "Instamatic" in heavy type - no silver circles around lens - film window blank - made in England.
  4. Kodak in black on lens plate lower left - 25 in black on lens plate top centre in larger type - two silver circles around lens - film window "Hobinar Hasia el Tope" - top plate darker grey - spelling "camara" - made in Spain.
  5. Kodak and 25 in red on lens panel, two silver circles around lens, no logo on body.
  6. Kodak and 25 in black on lens panel, two silver circles round lens, no logo on body.
  7. As for 1 above but shinier and more deeply-embossed "grain" on artificial leather finish.
  8. As for 1 above but base of camera has three double ribs not continuous fine ribbing.
  9. Australian Model exists (noted by Lyle Curr).
  10. Argentinian model exists (photo seen of item for sale).
  11. Brazilian model probably exists, notified by another collector.
name: Kodak Instamatic 25
produced between : 1966 - 1971
lens : f/11, 43mm
shutter : 1/40, 1/90
film type : 126 cartridge
picture size : 28 x 28 mm
categories: instamatic
Kodak Instamatic 25
Kodak Instamatic 25

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