N o . 2 B r o w n i e ( M o d e l F ) - U S A |
No.2 Brownie (Model F) - USA
The Model F was the final No.2 Brownie box camera, (originally introduced in 1901), now aluminium-bodied and made in a range of colours and finishes on both sides of the Atlantic, though not all colours or finishes were available for the whole production time. The brown, black and blue cameras shown here are all UK-made models, with three apertures and tripod sockets giving credence to the time exposure facility on the shutter. Before 1931, the film-wind was a key, replaced by a knob. Prior to 1932, cameras have a double-outline decoration on each surface, as seen on the coloured cameras, later cameras are plain. The brown camera dates from this interim period, having both a winding knob and the decoration. The cameras where produced in the USA between 1924 and 1933 and in the UK between 1928 and 1935.name | : No.2 Brownie (Model F) - USA | produced between | : 1924 - 1935 | lens | : Meniscus | shutter | : Rotary | film type | : 120 | picture size | : 6 x 9 cm | quantity made | : several Million | original list price (USD) | : 2.75 | categories | : 120, box, brownie |